How to install and configure ARECA Net-SNMP subagent Note: This subagent is suitable for NET-SNMP 5.2.1. Please make sure your NET-SNMP package install and work correctly first. You can do the Step3 and Step8, Step9 directly to ensure that. Because ARECA Net-SNMP subagent is originally written in C++, but Net-SNMP is C, so we should take some modifications before compilation our subagent into Net-SNMP. Step1: Copy the all necessary files to [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/agent/mibgroup/areca Step2: Run [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/agent/mibgroup/areca/make ps. if you got problem while make, it could be a complier issue. please use following command instead "make" # make -f Makefile CC=cc Step3: Run [NET-SNMP_ROOT]./configure Step4: Edit ¡§Makefile¡¨ in the [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/agent a. Add ¡§-lstdc++¡¨ to the tail of LDFLAGS option line. b. Add ¡§mibgroup/areca/arclib32.a¡¨ string and ¡§mibgroup/areca/areca.lo¡¨ string to the head of LMIBOBJS option line. c. Add ¡§mibgroup/areca/arclib32.a¡¨ string and ¡§mibgroup/areca/areca.o¡¨ string to the head of MIBOBJS option line. Step5: Edit ¡§Makefile¡¨ in the [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/apps a. Add ¡§-lstdc++¡¨ to the tail of LDFLAGS option line. Step6: Edit mib_module_includes.h in the [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/agent/mibgroup/ a. Add the C statement of << #include ¡§mibgroup/areca/areca.h¡¨>> to the first line Step7: Edit mib_module_inits.h in the [NET-SNMP_ROOT]/agent/mibgroup/ a. Add the C statement of << if(should_init(¡§areca¡¨)) init_areca() >> to the first line Step8: [NET-SNMP_ROOT]./make Step9: [NET-SNMP_ROOT]./make install Step10: Copy the arcsnmp.conf to /usr/local/share/snmp Step11: Restart snmpd Configure the snmpd.conf snmpd.conf is the configuration file which defines how the Net-SNMP SNMP agent operates. 1. The rocommunity option of snmpd.conf is necessary for areca subagent. 2. The trapsink option is necessary if you want to receive the areca SNMP trap message. Configure the arcsnmp.conf arcsnmp.conf is the configuration file which defines how the ARECA traps operates. The arcsnmp.conf defines two parameters: 1. ¡§community¡¨ : this community string must be matched the community string setting in the RAID controller. 2. ¡§evtlevel¡¨ : defines the how to send the ARECA SNMP trap message. Note: These two are necessary options. Reconfigure the snmpd Force the snmpd to reread its configuration files. 1. Send the signal SIGHUP to the snmpd process. a. Use ¡¥ps ¡Vax¡¦ to get the snmpd PID number b. Use ¡¥kill ¡VHUP snmpd_PID¡¦ to force snmpd ro reread.