      RedHat Linux Advance Server 3.0 Update 4, Driver Ver. 1.20.0X.15
     ===================  Driver User's Guide  =======================

        Linux SCSI driver technical support 

        mail address:
        Tel: 886-2-8797-4060 Ext.203
        Fax: 886-2-8797-5970
        Web site:
** 1. Contents                                                      **

	readme.txt            - (This file)The readme file for ARC11xx/12xx/13xx/16xx RedHat Linux scsi raid driver - Source code (arcmsr.c, arcmsr.h, Makefile)     - Ziped dirver disk(dd) image file(driver.img) for INTEL CPU       - Ziped dirver disk(dd) image file(driver.img) for AMD CPU
** 2. First-time installation                                       **

	A. Before Installation - Under DOS/Windows environment

		a. Unzip driver disk
			X:\PATH\pkunzip.exe =>> driver.img
		b. Dump it into a floppy disk.
			X:\PATH\rawrite.exe driver.img A:
			Tips: You can get rawrite.exe from RedHat Advance Server 3.0 installation disk #1
			     "\dosutils" directory.

	B. Installation

		a. Booting from Installation CDROM #1 or boot disk made by yourself(boot.img is
		   under \images directroy of Installation disk one)
		b. On "Welcome to Red Hat Linux" installation screen, a prompted lable "boot:"
		   will appear at the bottom of the screen. According to the prompt, type in
		   "text(or linux) dd" to tell linux we have a driver disk.
		c. You will be asked "Do you have a driver disk?", select "Yes".
		d. When prompted "Insert your driver disk and press OK to continue", insert the 
		   driver diskette in the floppy drive and then select "OK".
		e. Driver of arcmsr should be automaticlly loaded into kernel. The kernel 
		   will find RAID Volume connected to you raid card, and continue installing 
		   your system... 

** 3. Installing raid driver on an Existing System.                 **

	A. Prepare for make new kernel and drivers

		a. You need create a short link 'linux' in /usr/src directory first.

		   #ln -s linux-2.4 linux

		b. unzip

		c. Copy this folder (arcmsr) to /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi

	B. Modify make and config files 

		In /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/Makefile
			@ ...
			@ ....
			@ subdir-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ARCMSR)	+= arcmsr
			@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ARCMSR)	+= arcmsr/arcmsr.o
			@ ...
			@ ..

		In /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/
			@ ...
			@ ....
			@ if [ "$CONFIG_PCI" = "y" ]; then
			@    dep_tristate 'ARECA (ARC11xx/12xx/13xx/16xx) SATA PCI RAID Controller SCSI support' CONFIG_SCSI_ARCMSR $CONFIG_SCSI
			@ fi
			@ ....
			@ ...

	 C. Make new kernel

			# cd /usr/src/linux
			# make mrproper
			# make config (or make xconfig)

			Tips: Say "M" means configure this driver as a module.
			;When prompt for "SCSI support" say "Y" or "M".
			;When prompt for "SCSI disk support" say "Y" or "M".
			;When prompt for "SCSI tape support" say "Y" or "M".
			;When prompt for "SCSI CD-ROM support" say "Y" or "M".
			;When prompt for "SCSI generic support" say "Y" or "M".

			;When prompt for "ARECA (ARC11xx/12xx/13xx/16xx) SATA PCI RAID Controller SCSI support" 
			;say "Y" or "M"

				# make dep 
				# make clean 
				# make bzImage 
				# make modules 
				# make modules_install

				# cp ./arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot

	D. Modify boot loader configuration files. 

		## If you using LILO to boot up##

			I. Edit /etc/lilo.conf file as follow...

				@	   ...
				@  image = /boot/vmlinuz
				@	   root = /dev/sda1
				@	   label = linux
				@	   read-only
				@  image = /boot/bzImage		<--- add this context description
				@	   root = /dev/sda1		<--- add this context description
				@	   label = arcmsr		<--- add this context description
				@	   read-only			<--- add this context description
				@	   ...

			II. Make an initrd image
				NOTICE: If your low-level drivers are module, going on, otherwise, 
						jump to step III  

				An initrd image is needed for loading your SCSI module at boot time.
				So you need make your own initrd image.....

				Insert a add this context description into /etc/modules.conf

				@       ......
				@   alias scsi_hostadapter arcmsr	<---- add this context description
				@       ......

				Build up a new initrd image. we assum your kernel version is 2.4.21-4.ELcustom.

				# mkinitrd -f -v /boot/ 2.4.21-4.ELcustom

				Insert a add this context description into /etc/lilo.conf 

				@	   ...
				@	 image = /boot/vmlinuz
				@	   root = /dev/sda1
				@	   label = linux
				@	   read-only
				@	 image = /boot/bzImage
				@	   root = /dev/sda1
				@	   label = arcmsr
				@	   read-only
				@      initrd = /boot/ <---add this context description
				@	   ...

			III. Update lilo 
				# lilo

		## If you using Grub to boot up ##

			I. Modify /boot/grub/grub.conf

				@  ......
				@ title Red Hat Linux (2.4.21-4.EL)
				@	root (hd0,0)
				@	kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.21-4.EL ro root=/dev/sda2
				@	initrd /initrd-2.4.21-4.EL.img
				@ title Red Hat Linux (2.4.21-4.EL)custom		<----add this context description
				@	root (hd0,0)					<----add this context description
				@	kernel /bzImage ro root=/dev/sda2		<----add this context description
				@  ......
			II. Make an initrd image
			NOTICE: If your low-level drivers are module, go through, otherwise, skip.  

			An initrd image is needed for loading your SCSI module at boot time.
			So you need make your own initrd image.....

			Insert a add this context description into /etc/modules.conf

				@       ......
				@   alias scsi_hostadapter arcmsr			<---- add this context description
				@       ......
			Build up a new initrd image. we assum your kernel version is 2.4.21-4.ELcustom.
				# mkinitrd -f -v /boot/ 2.4.21-4.ELcustom

				Insert a add this context description into /boot/grub/grub.conf 

				@  ......
				@ title Red Hat Linux (2.4.21-4.EL)
				@	root (hd0,0)
				@	kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.21-4.EL ro root=/dev/sda2
				@	initrd /initrd-2.4.21-4.EL.img
				@ title Red Hat Linux (2.4.21-4.EL)custom
				@	root (hd0,0)
				@	kernel /bzImage ro root=/dev/sda2
				@       initrd /	<----add this context description
				@  ......

	E. #reboot